How to strikethrough text samsung
How to strikethrough text samsung

After that, do the same thing at the end. Place an underscore at the start of the word or sentence. In between them, you need to underline some words that are important. If necessary, you may have to write a couple of sentences to someone in the private chat. When you were a child, your teacher used to underline the important words or sentences to highlight them, right? In a digital way, you can also do the same thing on Discord. Similarly, after pressing Enter key, you will be able to witness the strikethrough format. Now, write whatever you want to, and add another backslash. Whenever you start a sentence, place an oblique or a tilted or a backslash. For obvious purposes, you can strikethrough any texts with the help of this format on Discord. Digitally, it is known as the strike-through. Let’s say when you write something with a pen on a piece of paper, it seems that you have made a mistake. This text format is a bit unusual as well as interesting. As usual, when you press the Enter key, the sentence you wrote will turn from normal to italics.

how to strikethrough text samsung

Always end the line with another asterisk. Before beginning any text in the private chat, place a single asterisk and then start typing. Normally, the Italics Discord format helps you to indicate any quotations or special words. This format is a bit different from others. After that, deactivate the bold function by pressing the Ctrl+B, once again.

how to strikethrough text samsung

All the texts that you write will be in bold. If you want to use the system dedicated method, then before typing, press Ctrl+B. After pressing the Enter key or clicking on the Send button, the text will turn bold. Furthermore, don’t forget to add another two asterisks at the end. When you are willing to chat with your friends in bold text format, then, start the line with two asterisks. This format makes the text darker and bigger than the normal size. The bold texts have the ability to get attention. So, let’s not waste any time and get straight into the details. Knowing the various processes of text formatting is important. Various Ways of Formatting the Texts of Discord That is why the developers of Discord have adopted Markdown for the processing of the dedicated texts. The Italics Discord is also included in the engine. Markdown, a lightweight language that processes the texts. And, it is known as the Markdown, the text formatting engine. There are a bunch of algorithms that process the texts. Where do these styles come from? If you don’t know the fact, then here it is. Other than this app, Microsoft Word, Excel and other types of apps provide you with the same features. It’s obvious that you get various format styles on Discord. What is the Text Formatting Engine of Discord? Furthermore, apart from italics, you will also come to know about the other texts as well. It gives a fantastic overview of the Discord user interface with the help of Italic text style. One of the most catchy texts is the Italics Discord. There are many text formats in which the application is being developed. According to the experts, people are showing a keen interest in changing the text format of the application.

how to strikethrough text samsung

The platform also supports the online streaming of games and other activities. Discord is a communication platform that allows you to chat over voice and video with your friends.

How to strikethrough text samsung